Many of the other samples had a stage photograph taken one week after initial application. For complicated reasions involving lack of time, necessity to help with care of grandchildren, and general incompetence, this product was accidentally missed out.

1st coat: Buffy-cream liquid with smell of emulsion paint. Slight foaming and seems reluctant to penetrate. Dries invisible
2nd coat: + 1:37 hrs Good coverage and less foaming
A beguiling product that has produced visible results that exceeded expectation when the early stage photos were taken.
There is a small element of colour enhancement, and it has maintained that level right through the trial period. There's little, if any, sign of deterioration from start to finish.
A few very light touches of algae, predominatly along the edges, but these seem to have been given a start via those unprotected edges rather than establish themselves on the treated surface.
Stain Trials:

While the visual effect of this product really shows up when the paving is wet, it has to be said that stain protection is not its best feature.
All of the stains, and the mosskiller, are eminently visible and that means it can only be regarded as a fail.
Note: Any apparent variation in colour of the flagstone is due solely to changes in the condition of the natural daylight at the time the photograph was taken.
Other than cropping to exclude extraneous background and adding a drop shadow to the cropped image, there has been NO post-processing of the original photographs.
Vulcaseal 277 is available from:

Advanced HD | Advanced Stone Seal | Dry Treat Intensifia | Dry Treat Metacreme Dry Treat Stain Proof | Dry Treat Stain Proof v2 | Easy Seal Col Enh | Easy Seal Ultimate Funcosil OFS | Hanafin Finisha | K-Seal | Larsen | Lithofin Col Int | Lithofin Stain Stop Eco Lithofin Stain Stop Plus | LTP Col Enh | LTP Nat Fin | LTP Matt | Pavetuf | Resiblock Indian Romex Col Enh | Vulcaseal 277 | Vulcaseal 286 | Weiss FT Plus | Weiss Stain Protect