Recess Tray Covers
Clever replacements for unsightly access covers and manholes, recess trays come in a huge range of sizes and load-bearing capabilities, for every scenario from the back garden patio to an airport taxiway. This section looks at what’s available, how they should be fitted, and how basic problems can easily be avoided with a little bit of simple maintenance.
Recessed Tray Covers for Manholes and Inspection Chambers
Recess tray covers are used within paved area to disguise the presence of manholes,and access covers. This page offers an overview of the many types available and provides links to follow-on pages covering construction and maintenance.

Fitting a Recessed Tray Cover
This page provides a step-by-step illustrated guide to fitting a recess tray cover to an existing manhole or access chamber by photo-documenting a real-life job on a small residential driveway.

Fitting a Recess Tray to a Circular Inspection Chamber
This page follows the fitting of a recess tray cover to a circular Inspection Chamber (IC), illustrating the key stages with photographs and, hopefully, making the process as clear as possible.

Paving for Recess Tray Covers
How is paving, surfacing or even loose material fitted into a Recess Tray Cover? There’s a little more to it than it may at first appear.

Jointing around recess tray covers
When using recess tray covers, it's essential that any jointing mortar used when finishing the paving work is not allowed to get into the gap between frame and tray. This page looks at how this is achieved.

Jammed Recess Tray Handles
Hidden handles on recess tray covers might be a great innovation but all that inventiveness counts for nowt when the danged things get jammed. How to free them?

FAQ - Freeing jammed recess tray covers
This page offers tips and techniques on removing jammed recess trays and other access covers within paved areas.