A whole new Avenida™ for Hanson Formpave
Squirrelled away deep in the Forest of Dean, Hanson Formpave have been working away at a new multi-use concrete block paver. Launched last month, the new Avenida Combined ™ block is a 50mm block for residential use that can be used as either a standard paver or as a permeable option as part of a SUDS pavement.
The Avenida blocks come in packs containing a pre-determined mix of three sizes: 200/150/100 x 150mm at 50mm thick, which allows for some random layouts or the ever-popular transverse broken bond coursework. The blocks are manufactured with Formpave's self-styled "Olden" finish (lightly distressed) and are available in three colour blends at this moment in time - Traditional (red-brown brindle), Vendage (redder brindle), and Pennant (grey multi), although other colours can be manufactured to order.
What makes the Avenida block different is that each block has larger-than-normal spacer nibs which allow the joints to be filled with the official Aquaflow™ permeable jointing grit and so create a pavement that is fully compliant with the latest driveway legislation, now entitled "Future Water". Obviously, the marketing angle is that, in areas where a permeable pavement is either not required or not possible, the blocks can be jointed with the more usual kiln-dried sand and regarded as a conventional pavement.

The aforementioned Future Water legislation stipulates that, should the surface water run-off from a driveway drain onto a public highway, planning permission is required for the construction of an impermeable surface, whether it is completely new, a replacement for a previous driveway or simply an extension to an existing too-small drive. Consequently, homeowners and developers are increasingly considering concrete block permeable paving (CBPP), as a viable option which avoids the inevitable headaches, form-filling and costs of applying for Planning Permission.

Steve Spikes, development director for Hanson Formpave said:
The development and manufacture of Avenida Combined has enabled us to react and respond to demand from our existing client and customer base. It is a volume-manufactured paver, produced with the olden appearance in the mould; and with a nationwide distribution through our approved builders' merchant stockists and our direct sales team, we can be confident of efficient lead-times and delivery, to meet the demand that we are experiencing.
With its flexibility as a standard and permeable block paver Avenida is the perfect multi-purpose paving solution for domestic driveways, paths and patios.

At the time of writing, images of the new product are extremely limited and I've been waiting a few weeks in the hope that more would be forthcoming, but what you see on this page is more or less all there is.
Contact Formpave for more information and they might even have a few more photies in the very near future!
www.formpave.co.uk - Email Formpave
Since uploading this news item, Hanson Formpave's development maestro, Steve Spikes, has emailed me a couple of hot-off-the-memory-card images of the Avenida, never before seen by the general public. You really are spoiled, you lucky, lucky people!